Seasons and episodes
4Season 4 07. Dec, 2020
- 4 - 1The Other Side of the Sea 07. Dec, 2020
- 4 - 2Midnight Train 14. Dec, 2020
- 4 - 3The Door of Hope 21. Dec, 2020
- 4 - 4From One Hand to Another 28. Dec, 2020
- 4 - 5Declaration of War 11. Jan, 2021
- 4 - 6The War Hammer Titan 18. Jan, 2021
- 4 - 7Assault 25. Jan, 2021
- 4 - 8Assassin's Bullet 01. Feb, 2021
- 4 - 9Brave Volunteers 08. Feb, 2021
- 4 - 10A Sound Argument 15. Feb, 2021
- 4 - 11Deceiver 22. Feb, 2021
- 4 - 12Guides 01. Mar, 2021
- 4 - 13Children of the Forest 08. Mar, 2021
- 4 - 14Savagery 22. Mar, 2021
- 4 - 15Sole Salvation 22. Mar, 2021
- 4 - 16Above and Below 29. Mar, 2021
- 4 - 17Judgment 10. Jan, 2022
- 4 - 18Sneak Attack 17. Jan, 2022
- 4 - 19Two Brothers 24. Jan, 2022
- 4 - 20Memories of the Future 31. Jan, 2022
- 4 - 21From You, 2,000 Years Ago 07. Feb, 2022
- 4 - 22Thaw 14. Feb, 2022
- 4 - 23Sunset 21. Feb, 2022
- 4 - 24Pride 27. Feb, 2022
- 4 - 25Night of the End 07. Mar, 2022
- 4 - 26Traitor 14. Mar, 2022
- 4 - 27Retrospective 21. Mar, 2022
- 4 - 28The Dawn of Humanity 04. Apr, 2022
- 4 - 29The Final Chapters Special (1) 04. Mar, 2023
- 4 - 30The Final Chapters Special (2) 05. Nov, 2023
3Season 3 22. Jul, 2018
- 3 - 1Smoke Signal 23. Jul, 2018
- 3 - 2Pain 30. Jul, 2018
- 3 - 3Old Story 06. Aug, 2018
- 3 - 4Trust 13. Aug, 2018
- 3 - 5Reply 20. Aug, 2018
- 3 - 6Sin 27. Aug, 2018
- 3 - 7Wish 03. Sep, 2018
- 3 - 8Outside the Walls of Orvud District 10. Sep, 2018
- 3 - 9Ruler of the Walls 17. Sep, 2018
- 3 - 10Friends 24. Sep, 2018
- 3 - 11Bystander 08. Oct, 2018
- 3 - 12Night of the Battle to Retake the Wall 15. Oct, 2018
- 3 - 13The Town Where Everything Began 29. Apr, 2019
- 3 - 14Thunder Spears 06. May, 2019
- 3 - 15Descent 13. May, 2019
- 3 - 16Perfect Game 20. May, 2019
- 3 - 17Hero 27. May, 2019
- 3 - 18Midnight Sun 03. Jun, 2019
- 3 - 19The Basement 10. Jun, 2019
- 3 - 20That Day 17. Jun, 2019
- 3 - 21The Attack Titan 24. Jun, 2019
- 3 - 22The Other Side of the Wall 01. Jul, 2019
2Season 2 01. Apr, 2017
- 2 - 1Beast Titan 01. Apr, 2017
- 2 - 2I'm Home 08. Apr, 2017
- 2 - 3Southwestward 15. Apr, 2017
- 2 - 4Soldier 22. Apr, 2017
- 2 - 5Historia 29. Apr, 2017
- 2 - 6Warrior 06. May, 2017
- 2 - 7Close Combat 13. May, 2017
- 2 - 8The Hunters 20. May, 2017
- 2 - 9Opening 27. May, 2017
- 2 - 10Children 03. Jun, 2017
- 2 - 11Charge 10. Jun, 2017
- 2 - 12Scream 17. Jun, 2017
1Season 1 07. Apr, 2013
- 1 - 1To You, in 2000 Years: The Fall of Shiganshina (1) 07. Apr, 2013
- 1 - 2That Day: The Fall of Shiganshina (2) 14. Apr, 2013
- 1 - 3A Dim Light Amid Despair: Humanity's Comeback (1) 21. Apr, 2013
- 1 - 4
- 1 - 5First Battle: The Struggle for Trost (1) 05. May, 2013
- 1 - 6The World the Girl Saw: The Struggle for Trost (2) 12. May, 2013
- 1 - 7Small Blade: The Struggle for Trost (3) 19. May, 2013
- 1 - 8I Can Hear His Heartbeat: The Struggle for Trost (4) 26. May, 2013
- 1 - 9Whereabouts of His Left Arm: The Struggle for Trost (5) 02. Jun, 2013
- 1 - 10Response: The Struggle for Trost (6) 09. Jun, 2013
- 1 - 11Idol: The Struggle for Trost (7) 16. Jun, 2013
- 1 - 12Wound: The Struggle for Trost (8) 23. Jun, 2013
- 1 - 13Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost (9) 30. Jun, 2013
- 1 - 14
- 1 - 15Special Operations Squad: Eve of the Counterattack (2) 21. Jul, 2013
- 1 - 16What Needs to be Done Now: Eve of the Counterattack (3) 28. Jul, 2013
- 1 - 17Female Titan: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission (1) 04. Aug, 2013
- 1 - 18
- 1 - 19Bite: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission (3) 18. Aug, 2013
- 1 - 20Erwin Smith: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission (4) 25. Aug, 2013
- 1 - 21Crushing Blow: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission (5) 01. Sep, 2013
- 1 - 22The Defeated: The 57th Exterior Scouting Mission (6) 08. Sep, 2013
- 1 - 23Smile: Assault on Stohess (1) 15. Sep, 2013
- 1 - 24Mercy: Assault on Stohess (2) 22. Sep, 2013
- 1 - 25Wall: Assault on Stohess (3) 29. Sep, 2013
Shingeki no Kyojin Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by Titans. Titans are typically several stories tall, seem to have no intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source. A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls, even taller than the biggest Titans. Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a Titan in over 100 years. Teenage boy Eren and his foster sister Mikasa witness something horrific as the city walls are destroyed by a Colossal Titan that appears out of thin air. As the smaller Titans flood the city, the two kids watch in horror as their mother is eaten alive. Eren vows that he will murder every single Titan and take revenge for all of mankind.
Eren Jaeger (voice) (Main Character)
Armin Arlelt (voice) (Main Character)
Mikasa Ackerman (voice) (Main Character)
Levi (voice) (Main Character)
Ymir (voice)
Erwin Smith (voice)
Reiner Braun (voice)
Conny Springer (voice)
Marco Bodt (voice)
Hange Zoe (voice)
Video trailer
Original title 進撃の巨人
TMDb Rating 8.663 5,649 votes
First air date 07. Apr, 2013
Last air date 04. Apr, 2022
Seasons 4
Episodes 87
Nonton Serial TV Attack on Titan (2013) - IDLIX
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Bagi teman-teman sekalian yang nyaman dan suka untuk menonton disitus streaming film dan serial tv IDLIX, jangan lupa untuk membagikan keseruan dan kenyamanan dalam menonton serial tv Attack on Titan (2013) ke teman-teman anda, keluarga anda, sahabat anda maupun rekan kerja anda, terima kasih dan selamat menikmati serial tv yang anda tonton sekarang :).
Tips Nonton Series di IDLIX
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Terimakasih Hajime Isayama , WIT, Mappa. Kita tahu bahwa banyak yg kecewa dengan ending manganya. Disini gw liat konsistensi tekad untuk menyelesaikan AOT anime hingga selesai walau endingnya gk enak. Sama seperti Eren yang sebenernya dia udah tau akhir cerita hidupnya gimana karena dia bisa liat masa lalu, masa depan. Tapi dia tetep jalanin yang seharusnya dia lakukan. Di anime kita bisa liat emosi eren dan teman2nya secara visual lebih baik dan “ngena” banget. Emang boleh protagonis seantagonis ini? ini wild card yg dimainkan Hajime Isayama dalam karyanya. Satu kata subarashi! ada awal ada akhir thanks untuk 2013 – 2023. Well tidak semua manga dibuatkan anime nya hingga akhir. Kita sebagai fans harus berterimakasih banyak. Terimakasih sudah membuat akhir scene tidak memunculkan Jean sebagai suami Mikasa.Tatakae , Shinzou wo Sasageyo!
Sejak awal emang anime ini itu ratingnya buat 18+, jadi wajar aja kalo bocil bocil pada gak suka endingnya karena mereka gak faham inti pesan moralnya
sasageyooo sasageyooooooooo
Kaya lu bisa bikin anime aja b3go
bang haji bgsddddd
akhirnya selesai jg ini anime overrated
menurut gw dari awal nongol aja ni anime dah keliatan maksa, kaya buntu mau dibawa kemana arah cerita nya, ujung2nya ya pasti manfaatin drama dan rasa penasaran, selebihnya tinggal imajinasi creator aja yg nambahin bumbu2 yg bikin ni anime jadi banyak yg doyan, anime mau 18+ atau engga tetep ga jauh dari TAMPANG, PAHA sama TETEK
anime bocil emsempeh, fanbase toxic, boruto lebih bagus
fans karbitan aot goblokkk
muka lu mirip kontol anjing
jelek bagusan one piece
Gak usah ditonton klo jelek,emng lu bisa bikin anime? Minimal ngarang cerita deh yg nyambung,lu cuma bisa ngayal jdi raja iblis harem gak usah hina karya orang,monyet